UWT Blog On The Relief Efforts In Kenya 2012

Pastoral areas in North East Kenya have experienced 3 successive failed rainy seasons. Though short rains arrived towards the end of 2011, relieving some of the pressure on rural farmers, around 4 million people still face massive food insecurities.

Throughout this crisis, Ummah Welfare Trust has consistently distributed dry food rations across rural Somalia and Kenya; providing a cushion to thousands of families who find themselves in a worsening situation. In the midst of its largest relief project ever, UWT is currently distributing emergency food packs in the regions of Modagash and Garissa, North East Kenya.

UWT fieldworker, Muhammad Taaha, initially part of the efforts in Somalia, is now in Kenya overseeing UWT’s relief projects. Follow him and his blog as he traverses rural Kenya, providing a vivid account of the life on the ground and UWT’s response.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Striving To Serve Humanity

Alhamdulillah, Ummah Welfare Trust pushes on with it's large scale food distribution programme in rural and poor villages of North-East Kenya.

Thousands of needy Muslim families in Kenya are benefitting from the kind and generous donations given by donors of Ummah Welfare Trust during the Horn of Africa emergency appeal.

Alhamdulillah, this food aid programme in Kenya is being implemented alongside our many projects currently ongoing in Somalia.

May Allah (swt) reward all those brothers and sisters who have contributed generously towards this appeal.

The suffering although, is still not over and we appeal to everyone, please donate towards this appeal and know the Prophet (Salallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Wealth is not diminished by the giving of Sadaqah".

May Allah (swt) give us the tawfeeq to respond.

Above: Around 400 family food packs are dropped off in this village, ready for distribution.

Above: Many of the women produced Ummah Welfare Trust food pack collection cards in this manner, wrapped in a small plastic bag. This is how much they valued the food they were going to collect.

Ummah Welfare Trust carries out surveys beforehand and gives each family an aid collection card to ensure aid is distributed correctly between the villagers.

Above: Young recepients of an Ummah Welfare Trust food package.

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