UWT Blog On The Relief Efforts In Kenya 2012

Pastoral areas in North East Kenya have experienced 3 successive failed rainy seasons. Though short rains arrived towards the end of 2011, relieving some of the pressure on rural farmers, around 4 million people still face massive food insecurities.

Throughout this crisis, Ummah Welfare Trust has consistently distributed dry food rations across rural Somalia and Kenya; providing a cushion to thousands of families who find themselves in a worsening situation. In the midst of its largest relief project ever, UWT is currently distributing emergency food packs in the regions of Modagash and Garissa, North East Kenya.

UWT fieldworker, Muhammad Taaha, initially part of the efforts in Somalia, is now in Kenya overseeing UWT’s relief projects. Follow him and his blog as he traverses rural Kenya, providing a vivid account of the life on the ground and UWT’s response.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ummah Welfare Trust launched it's Horn of Africa emergency appeal in June 2011. 

During the reign of the second caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) the Arabian Peninsula was hit by a severe famine. Refugees flooded into towns from far and wide in search of food and water.

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote to his governors in the various provinces of the Islamic empire pleading for assistance.

From Egypt, Amr ibn al-‘As sent the following dispatch: “Help is on its way, just wait. I am sending a caravan, the beginning of which will reach you whilst the end of it is still with me. I also hope to find a way to send help by sea.”
Inspired by the response of ‘Amr ibn al-‘As Radiyallahu Anh during the Arabian famine, Ummah Welfare Trust is scaling up its operations in Somalia.
Alhamdulillah, the first of three cargo planes has arrived in Mogadishu containing emergency food packs, kitchen utensils and tents for 8,000 families. The planes will be followed by a cargo vessel laden with £4.5 million pounds of Emergency aid.

10 Million Appeal


The charity aims to spend £6 million on emergency aid and another £4 million on long term projects inshallah.
Please support this cause as the people of Habasha are in need of your help.

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