UWT Blog On The Relief Efforts In Kenya 2012
Pastoral areas in North East Kenya have experienced 3 successive failed rainy seasons. Though short rains arrived towards the end of 2011, relieving some of the pressure on rural farmers, around 4 million people still face massive food insecurities.
Throughout this crisis, Ummah Welfare Trust has consistently distributed dry food rations across rural Somalia and Kenya; providing a cushion to thousands of families who find themselves in a worsening situation. In the midst of its largest relief project ever, UWT is currently distributing emergency food packs in the regions of Modagash and Garissa, North East Kenya.
UWT fieldworker, Muhammad Taaha, initially part of the efforts in Somalia, is now in Kenya overseeing UWT’s relief projects. Follow him and his blog as he traverses rural Kenya, providing a vivid account of the life on the ground and UWT’s response.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Please read some of the case studies of our brothers and sisters suffering in rural Kenya. Gain an understanding of their daily struggles, Inshaa-Allah, may it be a means of us to make shukr to Allah (swt) for the favours He has granted us and may it be a means of us to respond to their cries.
<-- Please click the 'Case Studies' button in the menu to the left to view.
Around 79 per cent of Kenya’s population lives in rural areas and relies on agriculture for most of its income which has been severely affected by the drought. Nearly half the country’s 40 million people are poor, or unable to meet their daily nutritional requirements. The vast majority of poor people live in rural areas. Although in some respects conditions have improved since the early 1980s, the poverty rate has remained steady.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Above: UWT volunteer Sadiq calls out the names of beneficiaries which were gathered by UWT during the pre-distribution surveys carried out a few weeks ago.
Above: UWT volunteers working hard distributing food packs to needy brothers and sisters.
Above: This elderly brother walks a far distance to receive his UWT food package.
Above: As the sun goes down, Ummah Welfare Trust are still distributing food in as many villages as possible.
Above: This young boy feels tired just watching the Ummah Welfare Trust distribution efforts in the sweltering heat. It's around 35 degrees celcius.
These sights are quite common around here, the Muslim communities no matter what difficulty and hardships their face, never let go of their deen, and children typically memorise the entire Qur'an by the tender age of around 8.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Above: Two elderly men carry away an Ummah Welfare Trust food package to their needy wives and children.
Above: An elderly brother thanks Ummah Welfare Trust for coming out thousands of miles from the UK with donations from his brothers and sisters to his small village deep inside rural Kenya.
Above: This is the Imam of this small village in North-East Kenya. He has been here teaching the deen of Allah (swt) for thirty years without any pay.
He was very grateful to Ummah Welfare Trust for providing his community with food. Like a true and sincere da'ee, he was more concerned about the iman of the children of his community when he spoke to me.
Above: This is what Ummah Welfare Trust is all about. To work for the sake of Allah (swt) with hope only for His reward and to put smiles upon the faces of the orphans of this Ummah.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Above: UWT getting ready to distribute in another extremely needy village of rural North-East Kenya.